Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Freezer Cooking and Other Frugal Cooking Tips

I'd like to focus on the most valuable tool I've found for my grocery budget!

This is something that took me almost a year to master and perfect to work for me and my family.

A lot of trial and error and several different recipes, some of which wound up becoming favorites, and some that we hope we never see again! LOL

This whole tool gave me my nickname "Freezer Queen", and despite what you think, it is not because I am frigid!

What is this magic tool that seems to have made life a bit more easy?

It's called FREEZER cooking. I teach a WHOLE class on it with my home business.

But I am going to recommend to you that you visit my site: and learn more about it by reading my articles (there are tons of recipes on there too!), or that you go ahead and "google it". You will find recipes, storage ideas, and more!

Read about it, Master it, Live it!

It saved me in a 4 month period (because that's how long I actually kept track of it) over $400!!

And I kid you not, these savings are obvious in our budget every month!

So today's tip is to LEARN ABOUT FREEZER COOKING! It's the best there is!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Remember The Coupons!

I am continuously amazed to see my neighbors and friends tossing away their "junk mail" without even looking through it.

Of course I understand is this day and age that decluttering is a huge part of our lives, but you cannot forget that not everything has to go in the trash. Coupons are typically NOT trash, they are cash!

There are coupons for local restaurants usually within that "junk". Even if it's a buy a burger get a soda free...think about that - it's around a $1 savings for something you probably would have gotten anyway!

Plus, have you ever noticed that sometimes there are great discounts and coupons on things like getting your gutters cleaned, carpets cleaned, chimney's sweeped, dents in cars removed, etc. All those coupons help add up to great savings!

Look through your "junk mail", coupon paks, newspapers, and more for coupons to local restaurants, fast food, and sometimes you can even find coupons for a buy a ticket get a ticket free to an upcoming concert, etc. So keep those coupons!!

And lately they've been hiding grocery coupons amongst all that stuff too, so always watch!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Eating Healthy, For Less

The complaint I hear most often, is that you spend more on eating healthy, than you would if you bought the junk food.

While this is true in some cases, it is not as much as you think!

First, a great way to save money on healthy eating, is to grow your own vegetable garden.
Don't think you can do this? Oh yes you can. Because I didn't think *I* could until I tried it. Also even if you are in an apartment, they sell miniature sized plants, that you could even grow on your patio or deck.

Also, fresh produce is ALWAYS better, but when cooking it into a recipe, frozen veggies or even cans, can be MUCH cheaper!! So keep that in mind next time you're preparing a meal!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Digital Prints For Less!

One of the best "inventions" in the world is the digital camera. It saves money in so many ways. Film costs are cut down because there is no more needless printing of bad photographs. In addition, there is no more expensive film to purchase, and no developing costs. Only printing costs.

So looking for a place to print those digital prints for less?

With all the countless photo printing sites on the Internet, you are bound to find somewhere you are happy with.
And one of the best features of these printing sites is that the majority of them offer FREE prints to new customers. And in addition, their print costs are much less than standard film developing sites, even cheaper than Costco and Sams Club.

So next time you need to print your photos, check out "digital prints online" in google. You will get some great results!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's Up With This Blog?

Hey friends!

I know many of you are wondering where the posts went, and why I haven't been around on this blog much lately, and let me explain.

I got a job writing for and that is where all my scrapbooking, adoption and frugal living posts go now. So if you are looking for any of those, hop on over there and vist me at my blog!

I have also been working on getting the ScribblesNScraps website back up and it is undergoing some changes. But it's on it's way and is scheduled to be up and running smoothly by the end of July. The blog that ScribblesNScraps contains will transfer over from this one - the writing blog - since writing has become my means of employment!

In additon, I got my Richmont Direct website back up and running, so if you are interested in any products, check it out.
I will be updating it soon with our new supplements and a brand new printer ink product section we have.

In the meantime, the most current information is found at and I hope to see you there!

Love, Nicole

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Please Visit...

us at OUR NEW HOME!! (Please update your links)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Topic - Moving

I am in the middle of a possible move and so I figured I'd take this time to show ways to save money in a move.
Moving day is always exceptionally hard on anyone, but often it's the day's leading to it that can be the most trying.
Between all the packing, rentals, and more - it's just too much.

Today we'll start with the basics. First of all, packing supplies. There are usually a required part of moving and they probably cost the most. Ok well other than truck rental and any other misc. equiptment.

Boxes. The number one item you need when packing. First, look around you for wasy to save on boxes. You can ask department stores to save them for you, grocery stores, and any number of other establishments. Their deliveries all arrive in boxes and most of them just pitch them. So be sure to ask around and don't get discouraged by the no's you receive, some companies can just be weird about it. But most won't hesitate to give them to you. Especially if you are hauling them away!
If you can't seem to find anyone who will let you have them (which I still find VERY hard to believe) you have several options. Either you can run to Uhaul and stock up on their boxes or you can try other places. The one benefit of Uhaul is that they will take back any unused boxes and give you your money back! That's a wonderful incentive to buy from them if you're going to buy from anywhere! So there are my two tips to saving money with the boxes.

Packaging Tape. Now this is another item you HAVE to have. There needs to be some way to seal those boxes closed. So here's some tips. First, check the dollar stores. Often they sell the tape, and it's just as good as most other cheap places. If not, and there is no dollar tree or dollar store near you that actually carries packing tape, you CAN use duct tape which is fairly cheap or visit wal-mart. Wal-mart sells big packages of tape for pretty low cost. This can get you through the move with not too much leftover. If you're like me, I have several containers already here anmd they come with lids. So voila - a few cheap ways to package stuff.

Packing Materials. Peanuts, bubble wrap, newspaper - you name it. You can get very low cost packing materials by using your newspapers. Collect the free one's that get thrown on your driveway several times a week. Or pick up some free publications and save them and use them. You can tear up old magazines and other paper items to use as "cusions" inside the boxes. You can also use clothing, towels and other inexpensive ways to save on packing materials.

Rentals. One sure way to spend a lot on moving is rentals. Any kind of rental. Renting a dolly, blankets - anything. It would be more cost effective to use what you have. Not to mention you can get a dolly for around $30 or so at many different places. Depending on how many days you keep the dolly, this can add up to savings if you purchase it rather than renting it (the case with most things you rent!) The same thing goes for trucks. If you do it yourself, you're going to save a lot more money that if you hire a mover. Uhaul is perfect. Yes, it might mean a little more manpower is needed. Round up your friends, buy 'em some beers and get to work! By doing the majority of work yourself, you seriously save thousands of dollars. I can prove it - I've done it way too often!

So this is day 1 of my moving posts. Since I cannot be on everyday like I'd like, I will update as often as I can.

If you have read this far, I thank you. I will resume to regular money saving tips regularly right after this. I will keep putting small ways to save on things as we go.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Pantry Inventory

When something you use is on sale, STOCK UP!

Your first grocery trip on the road to saving money is actually to spend a little more than you are used to. Items that are staples in your pantry should be purchased in large quantity if possible. These include items such as flour, sugar, pasta, dry beans, rice, oatmeal, canned goods, etc. I have a nice little "should have" pantry list I will share.

Now, I have added and pared down multiple lists to come up with this list. If you are not cooking from scratch, some of these items might not be necessary to you, but some I don't have listed might be must have's!

Dry BulkGoods

•Flour(white,wholewheat,and bread)
•Sugar(white,brown and powdered)
•Dried beans (kidney,black,split peas,white navy, garbanzo)
•Soups (cream of chicken, cream of mushroom)
•baking soda
•baking powder
•Vanilla Extract
•Maple syrup
•dry milk
•dry eggs
•Olive oil
•Canola oil
•Canned veggies (green beans, corn, tomatoes,tomato sauce,tomato paste)
•Home canned veggies(variety)
•Canned beans
•Canned Fruit(pears, peaches,applesauce,pineapple)
•Canned Meats
•Mac and cheese
•Ketchup, mustard, mayo
•Ramen noodles
•Pasta Noodles
•Popcorn (stick with the kernels, not the "boxed variety") - its cheaper and healthier!
•Nuts (peanuts,walnuts, almonds)
•Grains-barley, wheat
and many, many more!

So these are the items you should try to stock up on as much as possible! There are many more I can add to this list but for now, this is a basic starter set. You have these, and you can whip up meals, even when you think you have nothing to cook!