Thursday, October 20, 2005

Cheap? I can see the light!

Here is an extremely frugal idea, that is nice for adults who celebrate Halloween. Not all of us "love" all the spooky decorations and costumes at Halloween time. I came up with some cute ways to decorate on a low budget.

First, purchase candles. All sizes, shapes, textures. In halloween colors is best, but if you'd rather use autumn colors this works well for the whole "season". Next hit the dollar store. You should be able to find some CHEAP halloween bowls, cups or plates. Pick what you like. Avoid paper and plastic, go for the cheap ceramic stuff. Purchase several, in various sizes if they have them. When you get home, place the candles together in clusters in/on the plates, mugs, cups and bowls. Place them all over the house. On Halloween night, you can light them up, and turn the lights out and guess's an "elegant" spooky atmosphere. (actually it usually puts me in the mood for Christmas!) LOL

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