Friday, November 25, 2005

Lighted Christmas Wreath

Lighted Christmas Wreath

Is your wreath boring? Or do you have a plain green one just lying around waiting to be decorated for the holiday - if you were like me, you purchased it last year for 75% off at Michaels! LOL

Who doesn't love the look of a lighted wreath. But store bought one's are pricey to say the least (ok well I've seen some for only $10 but they aren't very special).

You can purchase a plain green wreath very inexpensively, or use one you already have.
Our tree is prelit now, so I have BOATLOADS of small strands of lights. But if you don't, you can purchase them for about $1.00 at the dollar tree, or even wal-mart often has them for .99-$2.99.
Put the two items together (wreath and lights) and wow! You have the look of a professionally lighted Christmas wreath.

For my wreath I used clear lights (I was going for a more elegant look), but multi-colored lights are festive and fun!
I took my green wreath and wrapped the lights around it kind of like candy cane striped. If the strand is super long, just keep going doubling up in the same spots you already wrapped.
Be sure you leave the "outlet" towards the bottom, and be sure you have an extension cord that can reach it.
Now that you're finished, plug it in and see your very own design.
NOW, I couldn't just leave my wreath like that. It looked too "boring". So I added a gold bow (red would look great too), tied and hot glued it to the bottom. I also added a few tiny pinecones that we found on a nature walk the previous year. I also hot glued those to the wreath.
I thought my wreath was done then, but I wound up visiting Michael's about a week later, and found these little berry sprigs for .99 and bought them. I cut them apart and stuck them all over the wreath. The finished result was absolutely gorgeous.
As people drive by, they see a beautifully lit wreath on my front door (though you could put it in a window) and they have no idea that I made the whole thing myself.

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