Friday, July 01, 2005

Some more worth repeating!

I am not repeating these because I am running out of topics, I am repeating these because they are important. Trust me, a great deal of our money saving venture will take place in the kitchen because I have so many GREAT ideas!!

Buy Store Brands. It's true that all the ads on TV and in magazines make the name brand items look much more glamorous, but often times the store brands are just as good if not better. Actually, many store brands are manufactured by the same name brand companies we all know and recognize.
Shop on sale days. Our local grocer offers specials every Monday. They range from a one day meat sale to a Pillsbury brand sale. No matter what the theme is for the week, the prices are always great!
Don't buy convenience foods. It's so easy to load up a grocery cart with frozen meals, instant boxed dinners, individual serving sized juices, pre-packaged lunches and junk food. However, not only do these items offer little nutritional value for your family, they are a huge waste of money. Which is why tomorrow's tip is worth repeating ;-)

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