Tuesday, July 05, 2005

BBQ Sauce? Blood? What now?!?!

Did you accidentally dump the beans in your lap at your 4th of July Picnic? Or did your toddler fall and blood got on their clothes? Here's a few stain removing techniques - saves on having to buy new clothes!! LOL

Blood, Fresh & Dried
Rinse fresh blood stains in cold running water and rub with soap. Repeat. For dried stains, first scrape or rub off as much dried blood as possible. Soak in warm water using a product which contains enzymes. Wash. If this doesn't work, rewash the item using a chlorine-free bleach. In the case of stubborn stains, rust removers may be helpful.
Coffee, Tea
Presoak item in liquid detergent with bleach. Wash using the hottest water temperature that is safe for the fabric.
Dampen stain and rub with liquid detergent. Rinse, then wash.
Dingy White Socks
Presoak in a liquid detergent solution for a minimum of 30 minutes. Wash in a liquid detergent which contains oxygen bleach, OR use Oxyclean.

Food Coloring
Soak in cool water. If stain remains, rub on detergent and rinse. Wash.
Fruit Juice, Wine & Soft Drinks
Soak stain in cool water as soon as possible. Then, soak in OxyClean, using the hottest water safe for the fabric. Wash.
Brush off as much as possible when garment is dry, then rinse under cold running water. Pretreat with a paste of powder detergent and water, or liquid laundry detergent. Wash using laundry detergent and a fabric-safe bleach.
Rust Stains
The yellow, orange or brown spots we sometimes find on our clothes may be caused by rust. Iron content of over .2 parts per million in your water supply can cause these type of stains, so it's important to have your water supply checked. Two possible sources can be rusty water pipes or water heaters. One way to combat this problem is by using a mechanical water softener with an iron filter. Also, using a non-chlorine bleach can help, as chlorine bleach may cause the iron in the water to precipitate on fabrics and leave stains.

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