Carry the store credit card. You have to pay it off after every shopping trip, or you are going to end up paying significantly more than you saved in interest. Most stores have great retention marketing, and will send you coupons for future visits, special promos for card holders only and some even give you rewards when you spend so much.
Browse the front of the store. Keep your eye on pieces that you like and wait for them to go on sale if you can.
Shop the sale/clearance rack. It's all about the look. No one knows whether you paid full price, so why do it?
Shop in advance for the next season. When I first started to do this, it made my husband very nervous. However, even if you do save it back and they outgrow it you can resell it on E-Bay. Coats, swimwear, and name brand clothing basics such as Ralph Lauren are fairly easy to purchase. While most of us are not "in the mood" to buy those items because you are ready to move in to the next season, you will be glad you did!
I have a couple of outlets that I shop at on a regular basis. There is a Nordstrom and Hanna Andersson that are near where I live. These are great spots to pick up staple pieces that are significantly less than in regular department stores.
When you have a child that develops his/her own taste and begins to follow trends closely, teach them that dressing stylishly is about a look and not having name brands. Give them a limit and fill in their wardrobe with other items that have a similar look.
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