Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another candle? With a twist!

Once, I spotted a simple idea that had a hefty price tage - $12 - that I knew I could make at home cheaply and easily.
The item is a candle in an antique tea cup. Scour garage sales, flea markets, wherever, for cheap but interesting tea cups. Then melt down old candle ends or any type of wax you can find (parrafin can be costly) and - optional - add a little scented oil like lemongrass or grapefruit (or stick with the Christmas theme - cinnamon, vanilla, etc.). Put a wick in - really cheap by the yard from the craft store and - voila - for about $1 you have a nice gift with a little tag attached to the handle. You can even do this buy purchasing a whole set of white tea cups from anywhere (coffe mugs would work well too) and decorate them with paints yourself, decoupage, tie ribbons, WHATEVER! Be creative and have fun, but be sure you put your heart into it.

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