Sunday, November 20, 2005

Fa-La-La-La-La, My shoppings done!

I'm actually sorry this week is over! I like these ideas, and it's gotten my mind going for Christmas (plus I have so many more to share!!) LOL
Maybe soon I'll add another week (for those last minute Christmas gifts).

Today's final gift idea is actually two ideas. :) I decided to throw them both in because they are terrific ideas!

- Make your favorite homemade cookie mix and pack in mason jars, seal and attach recipe. This would be great for teachers gifts and friends who drop by unexpectedly with a gift. (or neighbors that happened to me last year!)
- Fix a large box of items such as dishwashing liquid, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. that you have gotten for almost nothing using double coupons and sales together. (you can also scour the $$ store or wait for sales all year!) These items are items that every household needs and will use over the year. I plan on making this type box for my brother this year - he's a bachelor, living alone in a small apt. He'll love it! I will put at least 10 to 12 of each item in the box so that the items will last all year. I'm sure he will think of me each time he needs soap, toothpaste, etc.

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