Monday, November 07, 2005

Organize the RIGHT way...FRUGALLY!

I honestly will admit, one of my favorite past-times, or hobbies to some - is Organizing! There really isn't a right or wrong way to organize, simply because each person is unique and different in what works for them. For me, I am a clean person. I do not like dirt, smells or anything else! But I was a bit on the cluttery side. It took me awhile to figure out why. When I did, everything made more sense and I was able to organize much better. For me, the problem was lack of organizing TOOLS, SPACE and MONEY! So I learned how to organize FRUGALLY, by using what I have, scouring garage sales, etc. Earlier in the year we discussed the SPACE concept. So if you've been practicing that, then you already should be more organized than before. But now how to implement what you learned THEN, and organize your space more efficiently. After Christmas - the first week of January - we will begin a series on organizing AREAS of the home. These will all be frugal tips to organize your rooms, more efficiently. As I've "preached" before, time is money. When you can't find something, often it's replaced and later found. And think of all the things you could be doing instead of hunting for that missing object. For me, it's focusing on my children or working on my business (that one definitely = money for me!).

So today we begin a week of organizing on a budget. Let's see what tips we can find, and learn from!

Today's tip - Use baskets and cardboard boxes to store. Cover in fabrics, patterned papers, whatever. Then store what you need to inside. If you stick to the same colors, or the same sizes, these look very uniform and practical! Place on a shelf, or if there is a lid, stack them.

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