Friday, November 04, 2005

The "Center" of Things...

Ceramic or Wooden Bowls lined w/ Pretty Cloth or Napkins & filled with fruit or gourds

Hot Glue Acorns & Cinnamon Sticks to a pretty jar or glass and place a votive candle inside

Place a row of apples in the center, carve out just enough to place a green tea-light candle and set it down into the apple. Makes a beautiful addition to the table

Place a small wicker basket in the center on a pretty placemat, add pinecones & a couple oranges & apples

Pint Size Mason Jars: fill the bottom with cracked corn and place a (colored) candle in the middle

Place a small decorative plate in the center of your table, add several candles of varying sizes & then cover the bottom of the plate with Candy Corn. The candy will glisten when the candles burn.

Add scent to the home. Simmer apple peels and cinnamon sticks on the stove, or invest in a couple of vials of potpourri oil. They are relatively inexpensive at just a couple bucks apiece, and they last forever as you only need a few drops.

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