Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's Wednesday - Time to Get Cleaning!!

I am ALWAYS looking for quick and easy tips for cleaning to begin with, but was not aware that there was a way to make my dollar stretch with cleaning. But there is!

My tip for the day - quit buying PAPER TOWELS! Here's why. For the same dollar you spent on that roll of paper towels - spend that at the dollar store (or sometimes wally world or target will have sales like that too), you can purchase a couple of washcloths. Why would you want wash clothes? First of all, they are more aggressive at cleaning and wiping things up. Secondly, when you are done with them, you can toss them into the next load of laundry! This has saved us a bundle! We bought cloth napkins as well for the kitchen! More tips coming soon to help you with cleaning!

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