Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunday Tip

Well, it's been one week since I started this and the emails have been coming in my the dozens! Great ideas, and tips from all of you that will be included in the weeks to come! Thank you for sharing them!
Today's tip doesn't necessarily have a given category - that's why I kinda made Sunday the Be Frugal ANYWHERE day! :)

Our tip today deals with the pharmacy! And goes for ANY OTC medication really.

Drug store items like Tylenol, Pedialyte, Advil, and Benadryl, all have competing store brands. The store brands almost always have the EXACT same active ingredients. Just check the boxes! Usually the only difference is the packaging. Always check the ingredients in the things you buy and compare them with the store brand. You will be surprised how much money you can save! Don't pay to for other companies ADVERTISING! Instead save the money and use it for your family!

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